Have you ever used your foot to flush a toilet? Or used a paper towel on the handle of a public restroom door? If you’re like most people, you probably have some creative ways to avoid touching things you know are loaded with germs. While it is normal to come in contact with minute amounts of bacteria each day, we rarely think about how something we hold directly to our face could be covered in pathogens – our smartphones!
Trying to avoid coming into contact with nasty bugs is a difficult prospect when our smartphones are literally teeming with a variety of bugs like staphylococcus aureus, E. coli, MRSA, yeast, streptococcus, and the flu. In fact, a recent study by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine determined that of 100 phones tested, 92 had bacteria on them. Your hands pick up germs in a variety of ways. Shaking hands, handling money, touching shopping carts, and prepping food are just some of the many ways you can transfer bacteria and other pathogens onto your phone. Not only can you transfer germs to your phone, your device can transfer germs to you. In order to keep yourself – and your precious smartphone – healthy and germ-free, here are some helpful tips:
Keep Your Hands Clean
It goes without saying that frequent hand washing goes a long way in keeping your smartphone clean and bacteria-free. However, many people do not wash their hands often enough. Always remember to wash your hands after eating food, using the toilet, caring for someone who is ill, changing diapers, touching pets or garbage, and after coughing, sneezing or blowing your nose. Additionally, how you wash your hands is important. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there is a proper handwashing procedure: Wet your hands with clean, running water, apply soap and lather the front, back and sides of your hands, as well as under your nails and between your fingers. Then scrub your hands vigorously for at least 20 seconds, rinse, and dry on a clean towel.
Don’t Use Your Phone in the Bathroom
While not washing your hands carefully after using the restroom can spread pathogens to your phone, washing your hands and then picking up a phone you have laid on the counter, or worse, handled at the toilet, can leave your hands dirtier than they were before. Bathroom germs can multiply on your device, which can result in bacterial concentrations of up to 18 times higher than a typical public restroom door handle, according to Dr. Jeffery Cain, the President of the American Academy of Family Physicians. In fact, in a test of 30 smartphones and tablets conducted by the consumer group Which?, seven of the tablets and eight of the smartphones had over a thousand units of enterobacteria per swab. Compare that to the typical toilet seat, which has a count of less than 10 units of enterobacteria per swab. Your safest bet? Keep your phone out of the bathroom at all times.
Invest In a Smartphone UV Sanitizer
One of the best ways to ensure your device is germ-free is to utilize a UV sanitizer. For example, the PhoneSoap Charger is a clever device that cleans, sanitizes and charges your smartphone all at the same time. It has two UV-C lamps to sweep germs away, and a USB charging compartment. Simply place the device inside for five minutes to eradicate nasty pathogens.
Choose glass over plastic
There is a reason professional brewmasters recommend glass bottles and carboy equipment over plastic containers – plastic is more porous, scratches more easily, leaving crevices for infectious bacteria and mold to lurk, and it’s harder to sanitize than glass surfaces. If you have an antimicrobial Gorilla Glass touchscreen, installing a plastic protector over it makes no sense. Instead, opt for a sturdy, scratch-resistant tempered glass screen protector like Ultimate Shield.
Clean Your Phone Regularly
We rarely remember to clean our devices and gadgets. Try to schedule specific times to give your smartphone a good cleaning. For example, before going to bed at night, during app breaks at work, after going to the gym, and after going to public places like restaurants or nightclubs. A quick swipe on your sleeve isn’t good enough. Make sure you clean it thoroughly with a soft cloth and a tried-and-tested cleaner like iKlear. Specialty antibacterial wipes designed for smart devices can be used on the touchscreen, sides and back. Other options include a 40/60 alcohol-to-water or 50-50 white vinegar and water mixture for your touchscreen to ensure germ-free surfing and calling.
For more information about how to protect your valuable smartphone protected from cracks, bumps and scratches, check out Ultimate Shield’s quality screen protectors. We offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee and free shipping.