Infographic: Keep Your Phone Safe, it Pays to Be Scratch Free

Everyone spends a lot of time on their phones and tablets. People are constantly on social media posting pictures, tweeting, following their friends, etc. Texting has become the preferred means of communication because talking to someone face-to-face is so 10 years ago. Most people use smartphones to help them stay connected wherever they [...]

Everyone spends a lot of time on their phones and tablets. People are constantly on social media posting pictures, tweeting, following their friends, etc. Texting has become the preferred means of communication because talking to someone face-to-face is so 10 years ago. Most people use smartphones to help them stay connected wherever they go. LTE, 4G, and Wi-Fi have become everyday terms. If you really want to scare your friend, tell him that you don’t have any Wi-Fi at your house.

As much as we use these smartphones and tablets, we don’t take the time to properly protect them. You probably know at least one person whose phone has spider-web cracks running across the screen followed by an unfortunate story of how it dropped out of their hand. These cracks could have been prevented by buying a $14 phone protector from Ultimate Shield. Considering how much time you spend on your phone, you should think about protecting it with Ultimate Shield’s screen protectors. Get the Ultimate in Gadget Protection today. Be sure to check out the infographic below to see how often we use our phones and how much it costs to repair a broken phone.